Key Benefits of Working with Elmrep

Cost Reduction

A fully managed approach to your print and document handling can often yield significant savings for both small and large businesses. By assessing everything from the number of devices to adjusting user behaviour, we are confident we can deliver substantial savings in both cost and time.


With the increasing pressure now being put on to businesses to reduce waste and become more environmentally sustainable, we can assist you in reducing your CO2, power and even water consumption, along with a reduction in print cartridge and paper waste.

Mobile Working

With the trend now moving more towards mobile working, our equipment has the capability to allow for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and visitor access to print and scan should you need them to.

This process couldn’t be more easy……

Simply download the Sharpdesk Mobile app from App Store or Google Play here:


All businesses need to think about reducing wasted time, whether it is through document filing and retrieval, multiple trips to the printer or even out of action printers, we are confident we can reduce (at least some of) the wasted time within your business.

We have implemented a bespoke service reporting and response system, where we are able to truly minimise and in some cases avoid any down time due to device malfunctions and supplies running out.

Improve Security and Efficiency

Using both in-built features of our Sharp products and employing efficient document and workflow solutions, we can help secure your entire process from user click to print collection and document storage, ensuring your data doesn’t end up in the wrong hands, as well as helping you meet the new statutory obligations and GDPR Compliance.

Automate Toner replenishment and meter reading collection

98.4% of calls fixed first time

Free delivery, installation and operator training on all equipment

A planned preventative maintenance program

Minimal response times for service calls

Comprehensively stocked OEM parts and consumables

Network related troubleshooting

Bespoke service support database

Recycling program for used toners and equipment

Our engineers are not bonused on jobs per day or chargeable callouts

Call us: 01452 300959

Email us:

Visit us: Elmrep House, GL4 6QS